Connecting GitLab/GitHub repos
How to integrate resources via GitLab / GitHub
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We are interested in more sources that contain OERs in the higher education context and welcome any suggestions.
In order to include your OER in OERSI, the metadata of the OER must be accessible for our automatic harvesting process. In principle, we are very flexible when it comes to the inclusion of sources in OERSI, i.e. there are multiple ways to connect them.
For the structured description of teaching/learning resources, we use a metadata schema that conforms to the “General Metadata Profile for Educational Materials” (German: “Allgemeines Metadatenprofil für Bildungsmaterialien” - AMB), which is based on There it is also explained how to provide the structured data. A transformation of your existing format into our AMB-schema is usually also possible.
The OERSI fork of the AMB can be found here and the adaptations to the AMB are listed here.
A good general solution - also for SEO - is to provide structured metadata as embedded JSON-LD in the OER itself in combination with a sitemap that lets us find the individual resources.
The provision of JSON via an HTTP-based API is also a good solution. This is much more performant and resource-efficient if several data records can be queried at once and only the raw metadata is transferred.
Since not all sources can implement the outlined approaches, we also support quite a few other approaches:
Another option is to list your OER in a source that is already indexed in OERSI. Some example repositories for this are: ZOERR, twillo and
How to integrate resources via GitLab / GitHub
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